Water Treatment Chemicals
Dubichem's superior synthetic treatment items and claim to fame added substances are utilized effectively around the globe in huge numbers of the most requesting business, city and mechanical process conditions where they help to enhance efficiency, enhance execution and lessen hardware life-cycle costs.
Dubichem's full scope of experimentally defined water added substances and compound treatment items incorporates elite water treatment chemicals for steam boilers, cooling water frameworks, cooling towers and shut circuits; wastewater and emanating treatment chemicals, superior modern chemicals, invert osmosis layer items, eco-accommodating natural definitions, propelled polymers and significantly more. For additionally subtle elements on any of our water treatment items essentially select an item title.
Antifoamers and Defoamers
To guarantee that such frameworks are very much kept up and work at ideal proficiency it is fundamental that the right water conditions are kept up constantly. This can be accomplished utilizing precisely chosen antifoams and defoamers.
Dubichem's in fact progressed antifoams, defoamers and froth control specialists are logically detailed to control undesirable froth age and are perfect for use in an extensive variety of process applications including wastewater and gushing treatment, steam age, cooling water frameworks, refining and maturation forms, sustenance handling, sugar assembling, paper and paperboard generation, plastics, cements and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Our elite froth control concoction definitions incorporate both sustenance review and non-nourishment review antifoams, and silicone and mineral hydrocarbon based items.
Calcium Hypochlorite
Chlorine Tablets
Biocide and Disinfectants
Microbiological Control Chemicals
The control of microbiological action is an essential, regularly security basic movement in numerous business, fabricating and modern process applications.
To guarantee that such frameworks are sheltered, very much kept up and work at ideal productivity it is basic that the right water conditions are kept up consistently. This can be accomplished utilizing painstakingly chosen biocides.
Our oxidizing biocides incorporate calcium hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite, settled bromine, bromine and chlorine tablets, hydrogen peroxide silver, hypobromous corrosive and sodium bromide based bromine forerunners.
Our non-oxidizing biocides incorporate a scope of wide range biocides and miniaturized scale biocides, Isothiazoline, QAC, Bronopol and that's only the tip of the iceberg…
Evaporator Water Treatment Chemicals
Mechanical boilers and steam raising plant are utilized widely in numerous business, producing and modern procedures.
To guarantee that such heater frameworks are accurately kept up and work at ideal effectiveness it is fundamental that the right evaporator water conditions are kept up constantly. This can be accomplished utilizing precisely chosen evaporator water treatment chemicals.
Dubichem actually propelled evaporator water treatment chemicals have been deductively detailed to enhance the task and support of modern heater frameworks and steam age plant by proactively dealing with the issues related with the utilization of water including scale development, metallic erosion, kettle water remainder and ooze statement.
Our elite evaporator water chemicals incorporate single-shot multifunctional treatment items, scale and erosion inhibitors, oxygen foragers, alkalinity manufacturers, slop conditioners, condensate line medicines and the sky is the limit from there…
Oxygen Scavengers
Multi-Functional Boiler Treatment
Scale Inhibitors and Sludge Conditioners
Condensate Line Protection
Alkalinity Builders
Close Circuit Chemicals
To guarantee that such shut circuit frameworks are all around kept up and work at ideal effectiveness it is fundamental that the right water conditions are kept up consistently. This can be accomplished utilizing painstakingly chosen shut circuit water treatment chemicals.
Dubichems propelled innovation shut circle and shut circuit treatment chemicals have been deductively detailed to convey huge operational advantages and execution changes to shut circles and shut circuit frameworks including ocean water cooling frameworks, shut chilled frameworks, low weight warming frameworks and other shut circuits that utilization water as an essential medium.
Our broad scope of superior shut circle treatment chemicals incorporate hostile to foulants, particular erosion inhibitors, multi-utilitarian scale and consumption inhibitors, and radiator fluid and de-icing items for ice insurance applications.
Close System Frost Protection
Close System Scale and Corrosion Inhibitors
Close System Biocides
Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals
To guarantee such cooling frameworks are effectively kept up and work at ideal proficiency it is fundamental that the right cooling water conditions are built up and afterward kept up consistently. This can be accomplished utilizing deliberately chosen cooling water treatment chemicals.
Dubichems far reaching scope of superior cooling water treatment chemicals have been deductively defined to convey huge operational advantages and execution upgrades to cooling towers, and open and shut cooling frameworks that utilization water as an essential coolant.
Our broad scope of detailed chemicals for cooling water treatment applications incorporates exceptionally viable dispersants, consumption inhibitors for both hard and delicate water, and progressed multi-utilitarian scale and erosion inhibitor definitions. We likewise offer a full scope of superior oxidizing and non-oxidizing biocides for microbiological control exercises in cooling towers and other cooling frameworks.
Cooling System Inhibitors
Biocides and Disinfectants
Cooling System Dispersants
Drinking Water treatment
To guarantee such consumable water frameworks meet the required guidelines of tidiness, and are effectively kept up and work at ideal effectiveness it is fundamental that the right drinking water conditions are set up and looked after reliably. This can be accomplished utilizing precisely chosen consumable water treatment chemicals.
Dubichems far reaching scope of elite consumable water treatment chemicals have been deductivel figured to convey huge advantages and execution enhancements to guarantee drinking water quality gauges are accomplished.
Our broad scope of detailed chemicals for consumable water treatment applications incorporates very viable disinfectants and biocides, scale and erosion inhibitors, and progressed multi-utilitarian plans.
Chlorine Dioxide and Activ-Ox
Customary ClO2 Generator
General Chemicals
Dubichem scope of top notch general strength substance items can be utilized as a part of a scope of business, producing, metropolitan and mechanical process applications.
Dubichem scope of practical general chemicals are fabricated to the most noteworthy quality norms to convey prevalent execution.
Dubichem scope of general chemicals incorporates alkalinity manufacturers, acids at different focuses, fuel oil conditioners, substantial metal precipitants, de-chlorinators and the sky is the limit from there.
Trisodium Phosphate
Copper Corrosion Inhibitor
40% sodium bisulphite
20% sodium bisulphite
Citrus extract
Fuel Additive
Wastewater treatment
Phosporic corrosive
Corrosion inhibitor
Dubichem Marine international is Pioneer Manufacture, Exporter & Supplier of Water Treatment chemicals worldwide since 1995, for any enquiry, query, quotation please mail us dubichem@gmail.com and for more product related information please visit this link
Water Treatment Chemicals
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