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Product Description

Valvocare Fuel Additive

Code: RXSOL-70-7006-020
This is antivanaduim and protect system from SODIUM problem . It is specifically intended to prevent damage of exhaust valve , formulated for treatment and reduction of corrosive deposits formed on...View Details >>

Disc Separator Cleaner HD

Code: RXSOL-16-1046-020

Alias :

Separator Disc Cleaner, SI-314, Disc Separator Cleaner HD 30 Kg Liquid

Heavy duty liquid blend of organic compounds with concentrated emulsifying agents. RXSOL-16-1046-020 is a liquid blend of organic solvent with heavy duty & concentrated emulsifying agents . An...View Details >>

Bilge Clean Degreaser

Code: RXSOL-10-1002-020

Alias :

Degresol, Rem-Oil, Bilge Cleaner, Solbreak, AMEROID OWS, SUPER CLEANER, Bilge Cleaner 20 Ltr

Powerful degreaser for engine rooms and fuel cargo tanks . It is non-toxic which makes handling easy . RXSOL-10-1002-020 is mainly breaks the oil-in-water emulsion created by contaminants in...View Details >>

Penetrosol Penetrating Oil

Code: RXSOL-16-1020-025

Alias :

Penitrating oil / "Unispec penetrating oil",Ardrox 9881

Penetrating Oil A very strong cleaner, which can be used to soften up / remove baked on drying oils and Hard coke asphaltic deposition etc. It is low toxic product with an exceptional solvency power...View Details >>

Air Cooler Scale Dissolver

Code: RXSOL-54-1048-020

Alias :

YUNISOL X, Air Cooler Chemical Sea Water SIDE Scale Dissolver 25 ltr pack

Air Cooler Scale Remover Cleaner Sea Water SIDE is specialized product to dissolve water scale smoothly.View Details >>

Fuel Care Treatment

Code: RXSOL-70-7009-020

Alias :


FUEL CONDITIONER and STABILIZER. It is very usefull product to avoid sludge formation and effectively increase combustion efficiency.View Details >>

Sulfamic Descaler with colour indicator Inhibitor

Code: RXSOL-19-1304-025

Alias :

Accepta 2316, Sulfamic Acid Descaler Cleaner with Colour Indicator Inhibitor

Sulfamic Acid Descaler Cleaner with colour indicator Inhibitor can be used for removing scales obtained from water in heating and cooling systems e.g. boilers, condensers, heat exchangers, jackets...View Details >>

Cool Water Treat

Code: RXSOL-40-4012-020

Alias :

C.W.T. Inhibitor 9-111, COOL WATER TREAT NCL, Coolwater Treat, Cool Water Treat, Nalfleet Cool Treat, Corrosion Inhibitor for Cooling Water, CoolTreat 25 Ltr

Cool water Treat Corrosion Inhibitor can be used in conjunction with glycols for frost protection. If used in conjunction with glycols, It is recommended to increase the product concentration to 8%.*View Details >>


Code: RXSOL-16-3012-025

Alias :


Multipurpose cleaner for the various sector which includes food storage areas; Suitable for cleaning of sanitary fixtures i.e. showers, toilets etc; Can be used on windows and portholes.View Details >>

Oil Spill Dispersant Type-I

Code: RXSOL-17-1012-020

Alias :

Osd Green, OSD, V Clean Enviro, Careclean Havy Duty Spilt, Emulsifier X Cell 58, OIL SPILL CLEAN UP AGENT, CLEANER 666,Seacare OSD 20 Ltr

Bio-degradable Emulsifier and low aromatic based product with excellent efficiency and low toxicity with superior penetration. This product is specially designed for complete emulsification of oil by...View Details >>

Safe Acid Descalex Liquid

Code: RXSOL-54-1048-025

Alias :

SEA SHEILD SAFE ACID 79116, Safe Acid Descalex Liquid 25 Ltr

This descaler specifically formulated and developed to rapidly clean mineral scale from passages in water-cooled or heated equipment. It improves Plant Efficiency, Lowers Cost, Conserves Energy,...View Details >>

Bilge Clean 210 Ltr

Code: RXSOL-10-1002-210

Alias :


SPLITTING CLEANER FOR ENGINE ROOM AND BILGES, It then destabilizes the remaining small oil droplets and agglomerates them into larger particles (flocs) that are easily collected by filtering.View Details >> Oil water separator

Floor Stripper 10 Ltr

Code: RXSOL-13-1041-010

Alias :

Heavy Duty Mosaic Cleaner , Synthetic Cleaner , MPA550532, Poilish Remover, Floor Wax Fast Stipper

Floor stripper for all types of waxes and furnishes . Can be use as a As a degreaser where regular cleaners are unsuitableView Details >>

RXSOL 2000

Code: RXSOL-40-2000-210

Alias :

Rodine 231, Rodine 234, Rodine 244, RXSOL 2000, Engine Corrosion Inhibitor Antiscalant 220 kg Liq,Nalcool 2000

Unique formulation with organic Corrosion Inhibitors , Anti-Scalant for use in closed cooling water systems as a high temperature coolant for internal combustion stationers, engines, machinery, snow...View Details >>

Aqua Clean Break

Code: RXSOL-16-3003-210

Alias :


Specialized for all types of cleaning and degreasing. Effective to clean Animal / Vegetables oils, Fats, Hydrocarbon removes Dirt, Iink, Carbonized grease, Oil, Heavy oils etc. Effectively Clean...View Details >>

About Us

We are one of largest marine chemical manufacturing company in Asia. Our specialization in marine, oil field, shipping industry. Since 1995 our group team continiously developing our product to achieve best in quality and services. Specially in shipping industries we make our position on TOP among all supplier. All shipchandler and shipping company of UAE - Middle East are well known to us and DUBI CHEM Marine International have more then 1800 global regular client to achieve our monthly target more then 360 MT .   DUBI Chem Marine International have very strong distribution network as well in INDIA also to complete supply directly on ship vessel - (Kandla,Mundra,Sikka) , (Mumbai,JNPT,Goa,Manglore) , (Vizag-Visakhapatnam,Gangavaram) , (Chennai,Ennore,Kochin) , ( Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip ) etc... For INDIA supply directly mail us on or feel free to call us 0091-9821214367 ...

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