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Sharjah United Arab Emirates Chemicals solven Supplier

Marine Chemical Materials Trading and regular supplier in Sharjah we are dealing in wide range of products including Marine Chemicals, Industrial Chemicals, Laboratory Chemicals, Fire Fighting Foams, Paper Products and Dispensers etc. Our specialization in Marine Chemicals Viz Maintenance, Corrosion, Water Treatment , Fuel Oil/Gasside Treatment Tank Cleaning, Pickling & passivating Products and Various types of Test Kits For Marine Applications. RXSOL is very popular and Specialised name in Speciality Products for Marine, Industrial & Oil fields. 
DUBI Chem Marine International., stocks, comprehensive range of Industrial Chemicals. We have a well organized Distribution and Delivery arrangements all over U.A.E and other GCC countries. We Provide full technical assistance to its customers, whenever they are in need.
Our Marine Chemicals group cover Alkaline Liquid , Air Cooler Cleaner , Carbon Remover , Degreaser , Electrocleaner ( Fast/Slow ) , Fuel Oil Treatment , Oil Spill Dispersant , Rust Remover , D I Water , Ferric Chloride , Sodium Hypochlorite Etc.

Industrial Chemicals covers Activated Alumina , Activated Carbon , Ammonium Bifluride , Ammonia , Borax , Boric Acid, Butyl Glycol , Bleaching Powder , Caustic Soda Liquid, Caustic Soda Flakes, Caustic Soda Prills, Citric Acid, Calcium Chloride, Calcium carbonate, Ethanol, Mono Ethylene Glycol, Methanol, Nitric Acid, Oxalic Acid, Phosphoric Acid, Propylene Gycol, Soda Ash, Sodium BiCarbonate, Sodium Meta Bisulphate, Sodium Nitrate, Sodium Nitrite, White Spirit,  Walnut Shell, Xylene, Zinc Chloride Etc.

Lab Chemicals include Glass Wares, Lab Reagents, Test Reagents, Lab Equipments, AR/GR Grade Chemicals Etc. 

Cleaning Chemicals include Bleach, Car Shampoo, Carpet Shampoo, Floor Polish, Floor Sripper, IPA, Liquid Soap, Pine Disinfectant, Perchloro Ethylene, Sodium Hydroxide, Soap Powder, Toilet Cleaner, Tri Chlor Ethylene etc.

Maintenance Product ::: 
ENVIRO CLEANER : A waterbased general purpose degreaser with clear fresh odour.

DEGREASER GP : A Solvent based emulsifying general purpose degreaser.

QUICK SPLIT : A Solvent based quick separating general purpose degreaser.

OSD : A low toxicity oil spill dispersant.

Electro clean ECS Quick Dry : A non-flammable , non conductive fast evaporating electrocleaner.

Electro Clean ECS Safe : An environmental non-CFC containing electrocleaner.

ACC 9  : A special cleaner for in service or manual cleaning of aircoolers.

Carbon Remover : Cleaning agent for partially carbonized oils.

Filter Clean : Cleaning agent for lubricating and fuel filters.

Aqua Clean : Bio-degradable general purpose cleaner.

Water Treatment Products ::: 

Eva. Treat Evaporator Treament  : Neutral liquid for prevention of scale and sludge

Diesel Guard Diesel Treat : Corrosion and scale inhibitor for cooling water system diesel engines.

Boiler water Treatment :  Advanced organic boiler water treatment for alkalinity scale control and sludge conditioner

condesnol amine Condensate Treat : Advanced organic oxygen scavenging and condensate pH Controller

Sea Water Treatment  : Prevents corrosion and marine growth in seawater cooling system

Bacteria Treat : Microbiological treatment agent for water, lube oil and fuel Systems

Fuel Treatment Chemicals Fuel Oil / Gasside Treatment ::: 

Sludge oil Treat : Precombustion fuel treatment in storage and separating fuel system.

Combustion enhancer Treat : Combustion catalyst for combustion improvement of fuels.

Valve Treat : Post combustion ash modifier reducing high temperature corrosion.

Economizer Treat : Liquid for in service application to prevent soot deposits in exhaust gas system.

Soot Treat : Vapourising powder for the reduction of deposition and corrosion in boilers


Tank Cleaning Products ::: 

Alkaline cleaner : Powerful non-caustic alkaline cleaner for removal of vegetable oils and fatty acid.

Alkaline Extra : Heavy duty alkaline cleaner for removal of vegetable and fish oils in epoxy coated and stainless tanks.

Neutral HCF : Neutral cleaner for removal of oils and hydrocarbon free cleaning of zinc coated tanks

Hydro Carbon Free : Strong emulsifying hydrocarbon free cleaner for tanks by injection method.

Degreaser GP : A solvent based emulsifying mineral oil cleaner.

Tank Clean HD : A heavy duty solvent based emulsifying mineral oil cleaner.

Oil HD Split : Heavy duty mineral oil cleaner with seperating properties.

Voyage Cleaner : A strong emulsifying solvent based cleaner for removal of heavy oils.

Coaltar Cleaner: A strong emulsifying solvent based cleaner for removal of coaltar, crude benzene, cresote and bitumen.

Buffer Clean : A buffered acid cleaner pH5.5 removes stains, discolourisation and lead deposits in zinc coated tanks.

Air Fresh : Waterbased liquid to eliminate unpleasent smells.

Pickling Paste : Paste for pickling spots of austenitic stainless steel.


We are pioner in waterless Hand Cleaner manufacturer : A Handcleaning gel.

Ultrasonic Cleaner : A liquid cleaner for use in ultrasonic cleaning systems.

Ferric Chloride 
Lime Powder 
Potassium Hydroxide 
Silca Gel 
Sodium Bisulphate 
White Spirit, HCL, Inhibitor, Aldehydes or Amines, Surface Active Product, Sodium Phosphate, Sodium Carbonate.


About Us

We are one of largest marine chemical manufacturing company in Asia. Our specialization in marine, oil field, shipping industry. Since 1995 our group team continiously developing our product to achieve best in quality and services. Specially in shipping industries we make our position on TOP among all supplier. All shipchandler and shipping company of UAE - Middle East are well known to us and DUBI CHEM Marine International have more then 1800 global regular client to achieve our monthly target more then 360 MT .   DUBI Chem Marine International have very strong distribution network as well in INDIA also to complete supply directly on ship vessel - (Kandla,Mundra,Sikka) , (Mumbai,JNPT,Goa,Manglore) , (Vizag-Visakhapatnam,Gangavaram) , (Chennai,Ennore,Kochin) , ( Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip ) etc... For INDIA supply directly mail us on or feel free to call us 0091-9821214367 ...

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Call Us : +971 9 2242524 / 09 2242534
Support:+971 9 2235488

Email : dubichemical @ ( Only for Customer )

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We have separate HR TEAM for Bio DATA and Selection of CV.
Business WhatsApp ::: +971 56 108 1115 


Address : الحيل Plot no. 37A, block -L, Next to GULF Ready Mix Al Hayl Industrial Area - Fujairah - United Arab Emirates