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Code Description

Combotreat Boiler Chemical

RXSOL-50-5004-007 A well-balanced blend of several powder for boiler water treatment, resulting in a scale and corrosion control by one simple operation.Dry powder containing Alkalinity builders, Phosphates and Sludge Conditioners. View Details >>

One Shot Universal Liquitreat

RXSOL-50-5001-020 It is a well - balanced blend for boiler water treatment products, resulting in a scale and corrosion control by one shot operation. A powdered one-step treatment to control the formation of rust and scale in low pressure and auxillary boilers with workin View Details >>

Condensnol Amine Corrosion Control

RXSOL-50-5005-025 Concentrated liquid neutralising agent for corrosion control in condensate and feed water systems, contain blends of low, medium and high volatility amines that provide great protection and neutralization of acidic gases, such as CO2 View Details >>

BIOCIDE MICRO for Water Treatment

RXSOL-40-4009-020 Strong algae depressant fully compatible with alkalizing and flocculating agents normally used in cooling / boiler water. Algae growth is the main cause of colour in water. Routine and weekly additions of RXSOL-40-4009-020 establish a buffer action to control very rapid algae growth. View Details >>

Oxygen Control Corroision Inhibitor

RXSOL-50-5007-025 Catalyzed liquid oxygen scavenger, This formulation is especially effective way of protecting ferrous and aluminum metals from corrosion due to adverse environmental conditions such as high heat and humidity, seawater or other harsh environments , for b View Details >>

Toluene AR grade

RXSOL-60-1201-500 For Industrial, Pharmaceutical, Flavor & Fragrance or Lab Use. And For oil, water, Amine, Scale Composition tests metering operation View Details >>

Condenser Coil Cleaner

RXSOL-50-5015-025 It is a specially engineered condenser coil cleaner and brightener. this product is recommended for use in hotels, commercial complexes, hospitals, shipyards and any air-conditioning workshops or establishments that services air conditioning systems. View Details >>

CAT Sulphite Sludge Conditioner

RXSOL-50-5008-020 Boiler Coagulant prevents the formation of deposits on boiler internal surfaces. Sludge is kept dispersed in small particles and conditioned to be removed normal blow down. In this way tube over heating due to deposits is avoided. View Details >>

Sludge Conditoner for Boiler Water

RXSOL-50-5010-020 This high performance product is applicable to both medium and low-pressure steam boilers in order to prevent sludge deposits. View Details >>

A. Guide Line Manual for Boiler

RXSOL-50-5009-100 A. Guide Line Manual for Boiler View Details >>

Sodium Sulphite (sulfite) with Catalyst Powder

RXSOL-19-1305-025 Removal of oxygen using commercial sodium sulfite and a catalyzed sodium sulfite makes great difference . After 25 seconds of contact, catalyzed sodium sulfite removed the oxygen completely. Uncatalyzed sodium sulfite removed less than 50% of the oxygen in this same time period. In a boiler feedwate View Details >> ,

Oxygen Controller Scavenger

RXSOL-50-5023-025 This is most common oxygen scavengers used to effectively remove dissolved OXYGEN from your feedwater. View Details >> ,

Oxygen Remover Scavanger Plus

RXSOL-50-5022-025 Oxygen Scavenger Plus is a catalysed liquid solution of Hydrazine and diethylhydroxylamine (DEHA). Its volatile properties ensure distribution throughout the boiler and condensate system, and hence protects against oxygen corrosion in all parts of the sy View Details >>

Potable Water Stabilizer Liquid FRESH WATER

RXSOL-51-6002-025 The product effectively and economically provides scale and corrosion control in potable water and other shipboard once-through water systems. And specially designed to reduce the corrossion that is created in the storage systems of pot water. View Details >>

Combotreat New Formulla

RXSOL-50-5004-020 Well-balanced blend of several powder with antifoaming agent for boiler water treatment, resulting in a scale and corrosion control by one simple operation. It is applied to types of boiler water systems, providing excess protection from the hard, sludge concentration and corrosion. View Details >>

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We are one of largest marine chemical manufacturing company in Asia. Our specialization in marine, oil field, shipping industry. Since 1995 our group team continiously developing our product to achieve best in quality and services. Specially in shipping industries we make our position on TOP among all supplier. All shipchandler and shipping company of UAE - Middle East are well known to us and DUBI CHEM Marine International have more then 1800 global regular client to achieve our monthly target more then 360 MT .   DUBI Chem Marine International have very strong distribution network as well in INDIA also to complete supply directly on ship vessel - (Kandla,Mundra,Sikka) , (Mumbai,JNPT,Goa,Manglore) , (Vizag-Visakhapatnam,Gangavaram) , (Chennai,Ennore,Kochin) , ( Kolkata, Haldia, Paradip ) etc... For INDIA supply directly mail us on or feel free to call us 0091-9821214367 ...

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