It is a dry granular product that can be safely shipped and stored. The anhydrous form is hygroscopic. Solutions of sodium bisulfate are acidic, with a 1M solution having a pH of around 1.
Sodium bisulfate is often used as a preservative, in meat processing, food additive, in drugs and dietary supplements. Uses of sodium bisulphate are also extended in pH control, household cleaning products, leather tanning, disinfecting, swimming pools, metal cleaning, and many other applications.
usual effective initial dose ranges from 2.5 to 15 mcg/kg of body
The efficacy of SBS as a silage additive could not be demonstrated. The applicant has provided complementary information on the safety and new arguments to support the efficacy of SBS. Based on newly submitted data, the maximum concentration of SBS in complete feed considered safe for chickens for fattening and piglets was 4 000 mg/kg complete feed. Considering also that 8 000 mg SBS/kg fresh ensiling forage is safe for dairy cows, the FEEDAP Panel concluded that 4 000 mg SBS/kg complete feed is safe for all animal species.